Unleashing My Creativity: My New Method for Content Creation

Jharry Guevara
07.03.23 11:51 PM Comment(s)

Hello, beautiful people!

I am so excited to share with you my new method of unleashing my creativity and energy. For a while now, I have been struggling with creating content that did not resonate with my inner self. You see, I had always approached content creation from a marketing perspective. I recently started a YouTube channel and released a few videos, but I always felt like I had to approach them from a marketing lens, and that left me feeling stuck.

I realized that I was not comfortable moving forward in a direction that did not spark a fire within me. Life is too short to be working on projects that do not light up your soul. It is not a good sign when you begin to question your entire career path, and that was where I was headed.

I knew I had to do something different, and that is when the idea of creating blog posts for topics that had my mind concerned or thoughts came to me. It was a different approach for me, and I was excited about it. I decided to make this my new outlet for unleashing my creativity and releasing my energy.

I will not quit my YouTube channel; instead, I will focus on creating videos that I enjoy making, not just for marketing purposes. They may not be catchy or designed for the algorithms, but they will be videos that make me happy for creating them.

The same goes for my blog posts. I will write every time I have a thought or idea and publish it for the world to see. I will write in a straightforward way, and then use ChatGPT to help with the grammar and thought process. This way, I can have content that I can read for myself and also share with clients and the world.

I am excited about this new method, and I know it will bring me joy and happiness. I can also republish my blog posts on my social media platforms to share my ideas and connect with others who resonate with my thoughts.

Thank you for taking the time to read my thoughts and follow my journey. Let us all do things that make us happy and spark joy in our lives. Cheers to a more fulfilling life!

Jharry Guevara

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