Rolling with the Punches: A Business Owner’s Take on Expecting the Unexpected

Jharry Guevara
27.01.24 10:44 PM Comment(s)

Hey there fellow entrepreneurs,

Today, I’m just here to chat about something all of us in the business world face but don’t talk about enough – the surprises and curveballs that life throws at us.

You know, running a business is a lot like sailing. Most days, it’s smooth sailing, you’ve got a clear sky, and everything's going just as you planned. But then, out of nowhere, a storm hits. Maybe it’s a financial hiccup, or a sudden market shift, or even a legal snag you didn’t see coming.

I’ve had my fair share of these moments. Times when I thought everything was lined up perfectly, and then – wham! – something completely out of the blue knocked me off course.

But here’s the thing – it’s not about avoiding these storms (because you can’t), it’s about how you handle them. What I’ve learned is that it’s all about staying flexible and not getting too rattled when things don’t go as planned.

It’s like, sometimes you’ve got to be that nimble little speedboat that can quickly change direction when a huge wave is heading your way, instead of a massive ship that can’t turn in time.

And the biggest lesson here? Don’t beat yourself up over these surprises. They happen to all of us. I mean, if we could predict everything, we’d all be millionaires, right?

What’s important is keeping your cool and finding a way to navigate through it. Sometimes, these unexpected challenges even open up new opportunities – ones you never would have thought about if everything had gone 'according to plan.'

So, fellow business owners, let’s keep our heads up and stay ready to pivot when needed. Here’s to riding out the storms and maybe even finding some new adventures along the way!

Stay strong and keep sailing,

Jharry Guevara

Jharry Guevara

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