Burn Down Your Ships

Jharry Guevara
18.01.19 06:25 AM Comment(s)

Burn Down Your Ships

One of my favorite stories is about a conquistador named Hernan Cortez from Cuba.

One of his conquests was to conquer the most feared Aztec Mayans who had untold gold treasures.

The Aztec Mayans were one of the most fearsome warriors- distinctly known to wear the skins of the defeated army's.

The heads of their enemies were staked on poles as part of their ritual of victory.

In 1518, Cortez and his small army of 500 soldiers were sent by the government of Cuba to search for the many men that went missing in the quest to conquer Mexico.

Hernan Cortez was informed many of his men were planning to abandon him on his mission. They believed they were going to certain death by facing the feared Aztec Mayans.

After Contemplating he came to his conclusion. One night, Cortez ordered his men to set their own ships on fire.

Standing on the shore as the soldiers watched their only way back was on fire. The only way for Cortez's men to be able to ever see their loved ones and get back home was to fight, to push forward with confidence, to defeat the Most feared Aztec warriors.

There is no turning back.

They had to win.

And they did.

Our goals, dreams- usually are thoughts acted upon with a safety net.

Sometimes we look comfortingly to our ships that would enable us to flee when we want to return home and avoid our challenges.

Sometimes we need to burn our ships. By burning our own ships we encourage ourselves to look forward to the only way out: to follow through.

Your back is against the wall and the only way out is to approach it in a fearless mental attitude.

I closed one of my business and sold the other ones. Used every cent to invest into my online education. Took online courses. Took time to educated myself.

My hunger to succeed is greater than my fear to fail. 
I have no other choice but to make it.

And I am.

What sacrifices did you make or are making in order to continue your growth in this Internet gold rush?

Jharry Guevara

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